Process Innovation
01/17/2024 | Digital Innovation
ACHEMA Inspire: There can be little doubt that new technologies have now accelerated productivity within many disciplines and countries. Which of these in particular come to mind as the best adopters?
ACHEMA Inspire: You said in a recent interview that a major barrier to achieving such gains has been the inefficient or delayed adoption of such technology. How well equipped is industry to adopt this change and what sort of disciplined are needed?
ACHEMA Inspire: You’ve made no secret of the fact that all too often, digital transformation projects can raise troublesome issues which hinder progress. What, in particular, are the key hurdles?
ACHEMA Inspire: Artificial Intelligence has had bad press lately. Leaving aside doomsday scenarios, what do you see as the next big thing?
ACHEMA Inspire: Like most of us, you probably watched the UK’s AI Safety Summit with interest. What for you were the key takeaways from that?
Process Innovation
Digital Innovation
Digital Innovation
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