ACHEMA for Students

Students from technical colleges, higher education institutions and universities (including PhD students)  experienced the full range of process technology at ACHEMA 2024. They could visit ACHEMA free of charge and took advantage of travel allowance while they were organized in groups and were accompanied by a lecturer from their university providing technical support.

These were the topics for ACHEMA 2024

Young people asked – industry and research answered:

What can we do about resource scarcity and climate change?

Engaged students asked the most pressing questions on resource scarcity and climate change and discussed them with leading experts from industry and research providing first-hand insights. 


Something to do with the process industry?

Young experts reported on study and career opportunities in the process industry

What exactly is “the process industry”? Who works there, how does everyday working life look, and what qualifications do you need to get started? In a one-hour information session, students of process engineering, chemistry and biotechnology talked about their day-to-day studies and answered questions from the audience. In addition, young professionals described their experiences of starting out in working life and gave tips on how to kick off a career successfully.
